MdDS after a Cruise in 2019. 🚢 It’s 2024.

Kim enjoys her family 👪 and daily bicycle rides. 🚲

Hi, my name is Kim

…and I’ve suffered with Mal de Debarquement Syndrome for 5 years. Some of the time was awful and others not too bad. There were also times when I barely felt it. A recent, terrible episode of vertigo and vestibular migraine set me back, but I hope to get back to my normal again soon.

Initially, I was so devastated that I didn’t get out of bed for weeks. My family and team of doctors continued to push me and tell me it’s okay if I couldn’t do something, which was sad when I couldn’t. But when I found out I wasn’t alone in having MdDS, knowing many suffered and many had remissions or found ways to feel better, it helped me change my attitude.

I’ve always been active and career oriented. But I had to leave my job as an insurance producer, as I could not use the computers everyday. I miss my job and a lot of what I used to do, but I am still active. This beast isn’t for the weak. You have to be strong and continue to push everyday. Now walking and riding my bike are an everyday habit. I recently shattered my ankle, but I’ll be back at it in a couple more weeks. 💪 I hope that everyone who suffers finds hope and faith and peace, and friends and family that understand how they feel.

Kim, motion-related MdDS
Age at onset: 50s

The MdDS Foundation’s first online support group was established in 2003. Visit the Coping Tips page for the best advice given by support group members for living with MdDS symptoms in a variety of situations. Or join our support group on Facebook to share your experiences and interact with others like yourself. With over 7,700 members worldwide, and more every day, there may even be someone near you.

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