Mal de débarquement syndrome – “sickness of disembarkment”


Mal de débarquement syndrome is an uncommon vestibular disorder characterized by a constant sensation of swaying or motion after one disembarks from a vehicle such as a ship or plane, however, spontaneous onset also appears. These symptoms temporarily subside when the patient is subjected again to passive motion like driving a car. Chronic fatigue, anxiety, and depression are frequently associated with primary symptoms. The diagnosis is challenging, and often made by the patients themselves. The underlying pathophysiology and definitive therapy are unknown. Exposure to optokinetic stimulations and transcranial magnetic stimulations open therapeutic perspectives. We report a case series of 5 patients who presented with constant rocking, bobbing sensation that had been ongoing for several months. We found normal inner-ear function, non-related abnormalities and normal brain imaging. By presenting our patients’ histories, we discuss the different diagnostic issues that help to diagnose this condition. We aimed to report the most recent findings on aetiology and treatment methods and to share our experiences with different therapeutic attempts. Mal de débarquement syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion and often unrecognized. A thorough clinical history, negative or non-specific clinical findings with a high degree of suspicion are needed for recognizing this disorder. Increasing awareness can lead to early diagnosis and prevent multiple physician visits and unnecessary diagnostic testing. Frequent diagnostic failure has a negative impact on the quality of life, associated with anxiety and depression. Orv Hetil. 2020; 161(20): 846-851.

Keywords: MdDS; case series; dizziness; esetsorozat; mal de débarquement syndrome; mal de débarquement szindróma; neuro-otology; otoneurológia; szédülés.