The MdDS Foundation relies on volunteers to accomplish its mission. If you have a special skill or connections that you think can make a difference, please contact us and let us know what your talents are or how you can help. If you are interested in the volunteer opportunities below, click the red button at the bottom of the page.

Mailing Out Brochures – two positions available
1) Join a team of volunteers that sends out professionally printed brochures and quick-reference knowledge cards. You will receive materials for distribution as well as clear instructions. Must be able to use an online spreadsheet, similar to Excel. Estimated time requirement: less than 1 hr/month

2) Educational Materials Coordinator. You will be in charge of managing inventory and distribution to volunteers. Must be able to work with a graphic designer and coordinate new printing as required. Estimated time requirement: less than 1 hr/month

Healthcare Provider Outreach
Work with us to improve the experience the MdDS community has with healthcare providers. At present, our need is lead generation. We must find young doctors/researchers to replace those who have retired. We also maintain a large database of professional contacts to keep educated and made aware of new developments. If you can help get MdDS included on medical school curricula, please contact us.
Volunteer tasks/requirements are as follows:
• adhere to our Mission and Goals and represent the MdDS Foundation in all communications
• make phone calls
• mail educational packets (brochures, pre-written outreach letters, etc.)
• must be comfortable using a spreadsheet program such as Excel
Estimated time requirement: discretionary
Web Developer
Proficiency in WordPress is required. We need someone to maintain our website (plugin and core updates at minimum). Occasional proofreading, light editing and publishing blog posts; higher demands for MdDS Awareness Month (June). Ability to add or customize functionality is helpful. Must be able to communicate clearly with our developer. Estimated time requirement: 5 hrs/month
Social Media Manager
This is a great opportunity for you as a Patient Ambassador. Add your voice to ours and help bring MdDS to the forefront. To maintain our top Google ranking, we need regular quality blog and social media posts, content that provides value to our various audiences. Whether from a patient or caretaker perspective, you will contribute efforts to educate the general public, raise awareness, and garner support for our cause through social media sharing. Must be versed in the Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and YouTube platforms. The ability to expand our reach to traditional media is desired. Estimated time requirement: 5 hrs/month
Project Manager
Are you Type-A and like to be organized? We need a Project Manager to keep us on track to success. The Project Manager will monitor all volunteer activity and ensure projects move forward. Typical projects include educational brochure, newsletter, awareness campaigns, and fundraising campaigns. Highlights of our editorial calendar include Rare Disease day in February, MdDS Awareness Month (June) and Giving Tuesday in November. With several projects going on simultaneously, efforts need to be timely and coordinated within both our support groups and all our social media channels (Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube).
Estimated time requirement: 5 hrs/month, more during big campaigns

If you’re interested in any of these opportunities, just click on the red Volunteer button. Feeling more ambitious? Please contact us before starting any campaigns. Whether your idea is as small as an awareness bracelet or as big as an MdDS Walk, we’ll put you in touch with a board member or another volunteer who’s done it before. Our experience and expertise will make the process easier for you.

volunteer MdDS foundation
November 15
Volunteer for the MdDS Foundation webmaster 1:04 pm