What are the Symptoms of MdDS?
Persistent sensation of oscillating motion such as:
- Rocking (front to back)
- Bobbing (up and down)
- Swaying (side to side)
- Gravitational pull
Symptoms are often accompanied by:
- Cognitive impairment
- Imbalance or staggering gait
- Sense of unstable ground
Symptoms Not Typically Associated with MdDS
- Rotational or spinning vertigo
- Double vision
- Bouncing vision
- Nausea
- Nystagmus
- Sound sensitivity
- Tinnitus
- Hearing loss
See the Diagnostic Criteria consensus document of the Classification Committee of the Bárány Society (PDF).
Symptoms Less Frequently Reported
- Sensitivity to light
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Migraine Headaches
- Intolerance of busy patterns
- Visual motion intolerance
- Loss of self-confidence
- Confusion
- Memory loss
- Ear pain and/or fullness
- Anxiety & depression
- Difficulty concentrating
- Difficulty multitasking
Is MdDS Remission Possible?
Yes! As a given course of MdDS progresses toward remission, symptoms lessen in severity and intervals of symptom-free periods become more frequent and prolonged. Patients with 0 perception of motion, sustained for at least six (6) months, may consider themselves in remission.
Negligible: barely noticeable
Very Mild: noticeable
Mild: distracting sometimes
Low: distracting usually
Intermediate: interrupting
Moderate: hard to ignore
High: can’t ignore
Very High: awful
Severe: hard to bear
Very Severe: as bad as it could be
Negligible: barely noticeable
Very Mild: noticeable
Mild: distracting sometimes
Low: distracting usually
Intermediate: interrupting
Moderate: hard to ignore
High: can’t ignore
Very High: awful
Severe: hard to bear
Very Severe: as bad as it could be
What Increases MdDS Symptoms?
- Stress
- Lack of sleep
- Working at a computer for extended intervals
- Enclosed spaces such as the shower, stairwells or long hallways especially those with busy carpet patterns
- Supermarket aisles and other rapidly changing stimuli such as flipping through pages or images & screen scrolling
- Changes in barometric pressure (weather)
- Allergy symptoms
- Fatigue, increasing as the day progresses.
What Alleviates MdDS Symptoms?
- Travel (e.g., movement/motion in a car or airplane)
- Establishing a vigorous exercise program
Learn about coping with MdDS
Is MdDS Episodic?
In some patients, repeated bouts of MdDS may occur and are usually associated with a precipitating event, e.g., travel or high stress. Subsequent episodes are generally more prolonged but some patients experience a quick return to baseline.
MdDS Foundation
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