The Foundation would like to acknowledge the following donations made by friends and loved ones. We thank you for your care and support.
Doug’s 24-hr Run to Raise Awareness:
Terrie DeJong
Marie Pierree Aldinger
David Polaner
Flora Riley
Teresa Pratt
Carl Osbourne
LM McManus
Glen Failla
Lesa Failla
Barbara A. Failla and Louis J. Failla
3rd Annual MdDS Awareness Walk:
Marci Blachman
LM McManus
Patricia Clark
Jennifer Mier
Christine Logan
Diogo Braga
Tracy C. Douglas
Lori Davison
Pam Kellerman
Lindy Robbins
Kathy Englund
Teresa DeJong
Matthew Chalek & Carmen
Aliza Spiegel
Lara Mowszowski
Dana Licht
Sheri L. Goldberg and Michael Smith
Gerald Goldberg
James McKeon and Stephanie Freeman
Honor Donations:
In Honor of Terri Gibson: Kyle Gibson and Debbie Gibson
In Honor of Maria Lavely: Andrea Reed
In Honor of Katie Crossen: Leila M. Crossen
In Honor of Judy Messinheimer’s Birthday: Greta Rubinow
In Honor of Marilyn Josselyn: Scott and Tina Epstein
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To make a Memorial Donation celebrating the life of a family member, colleague, or dear friend, or an Honor Donation for designated individuals or occasions, please complete the Memorial or Honor Donation Form (downloadable PDF) and mail to:
Marilyn Josselyn, President
22406 Shannondell Drive
Audubon, PA 19403
Alternately, you may use Pay Pal or Click and Pledge, and use the comment field to leave a donation dedication. Your dedication will be recognized in our next newsletter and acknowledgement post.