In Memory & Honor Donations

The Foundation would like to acknowledge the following donations made by friends and loved ones. We thank you for your care and support.

Honor Donations
Elaine & Edward Schlissel – In honor of my fellow southeast rockers
Antoinette Salcedo – In honor of Charleen Anomanni
Louis & Ethel Ivens – In honor of Marilyn Josselyn
Irene Garbo – In honor of Mariann Bruno
Girl Scouts of Colorado – In honor of Karen Galinkin
Hillary Easom – In honor of Joy Sheerer
Julie Hare – In honor of Terri Gibson
Mike & Deb Russo – Happy 25th Anniversary Mike & Terri Gibson
Neighborhood Publications – In honor of Terri Gibson
Maudee Escalante – In honor of Terri Gibson
Christine Solis-Mendoza – In honor of Terri Gibson
Michael Nelson – In honor of Penny Gibbons for the 2014 MdDS Walk
Edye Stein – In honor of Anne Rhein for the 2014 MdDS Walk

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To make a donation “in honor of” or “in memory of” designated individuals or occasions, please use the Memorial or Honor Donation Form (downloadable PDF) and mail to:

MdDS Foundation
Marilyn Josselyn, President
22406 Shannondell Drive
Audubon, PA 19403

Alternately, you may use Pay Pal and use the comment field to leave a donation dedication. Your dedication will be recognized in our next newsletter and acknowledgement post.