A tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor or to remember someone special. Your gift reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, just as your honoree has done for you. We thank the following for their gift in honor of a special person or occasion, or in the memory of a loved one.
Honor Donations
Marlton Woman’s Club – In honor of Irene Hartman
Doris Broocker & Edmund Field, Jr. – In honor of Marilyn & Roger Josselyn’s Birthdays
Terri Gibson – In honor of Marilyn & Roger Josselyn’s Birthdays
Frances & & Donald Jacobs – In honor of Marilyn & Roger Josselyn’s Birthday
Dr. Martin & Bernice Neifield – In honor of Marilyn & Roger Josselyn
Patricia J. Silverwood – In honor of Marilyn & Roger Josselyn
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If you’d like to make a donation in honor or memory of someone or an occasion, please use the Memorial or Honor Donation Form (downloadable PDF) and mail to:
Marilyn Josselyn, President
22406 Shannondell Drive
Audubon, PA 19403
Alternately, you may use Pay Pal and use the comment field to leave a donation dedication. Your dedication will be recognized in our next newsletter and acknowledgement post.