Disability Coverage for Mal de Débarquement

Just what is “disability”? According to Webster’s Dictionary it is 1) a disabled condition 2) that which disables or disqualifies. The definition of disable is to make unable, unfit, or disqualified. The medical definition of a disability according to Mosby’s Medical Dictionary is different. It is the loss, absence, or impairment of physical or mental […]

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If you have been diagnosed or suspect that you have MdDS, join our private, online support group. ‘MdDS Friends’ on Facebook is where MdDS warriors share their personal experiences with each other. You will find caring people from all over the world who understand what it is like to live with the disorder. We do […]

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Coping Tips

Wondering if you should try a migraine diet? Need advice for flying? What about cooking and cleaning with MdDS? To manage persistent symptoms, it is important to reduce stress, be well rested and pay attention to your symptom triggers. Try not to panic, and always keep in mind that MdDS is not life-threatening. Remember: You […]

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