Anti-Discrimination Policy
It is the policy of the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation to undertake activities that are free of unlawful discrimination related to gender, race, color, national origin, ancestry, religion, creed, physical or mental disability, age, genetic information or any other basis protected by federal, state or local law. Federal and state law define discrimination as being treated differently because of membership in a protected category, as listed above. All such discrimination is unlawful and will not be tolerated. The MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation will take all reasonable steps to prevent discrimination in our operations and sponsored activities.
The MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation will not tolerate the use of racial, religious, sexual, gender-based, age-related, ethnic, or disability related epithets, innuendos, slurs, or jokes. Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature are also prohibited, as well as all forms of verbal, non-verbal, and physical harassment based on a protected class.
All who engage in activities on behalf of the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation are expected and required to abide by this policy.
All incidents and suspected violations should be reported immediately by contacting a member of the Board of Directors. No person will be adversely affected as a result of bringing complaints of unlawful discrimination or harassment.
Indirect Cost Policy
(revised/approved April 2, 2012)
The Board of Directors of the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation has approved the following policy regarding disbursement of funds for indirect costs associated with gifts or grants.
- For annual gifts or grants of less than or equal to $50,000 direct costs, indirect costs are not allowed.
- For annual gifts or grants in excess of $50,000 direct costs, indirect costs are allowed up to 10% of the amount of direct costs.
Dissemination of Educational Information Policy
We recognize that there is a great need for answers concerning MdDS causes, treatments, and cures, and a consequent need to inform persons suspecting they have MdDS as well as healthcare professionals and the general public. In support of this, we will seek to publish significant educational and research data on our website. We will also seek to provide demographic data as a portal for surveys from those who are researching, reviewing, or studying MdDS so that they can post their own survey. Although we recognize that such surveys may contain differing question formats, redundancy, and conflicting observations, this will nevertheless be consistent with our educational policy of providing the broadest information base. We will include in the website a segment reflecting Foundation observations on significant issues, including a disclaimer as to its authenticity. The overall result will seek to provide the broadest body of information in support of future inquiries and research.
Board approved – 7/30/2007
R. Josselyn
Directed Donations Policy
The Board of Directors of the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation has approved the following policy regarding directed donations.
For annual gifts or grants of less than or equal to $4,999, monies cannot be directed/restricted in support of specific Foundation-sponsored activities. Requests of exception to this policy should be directed to the Board of Directors. Acceptance of directed donations for amounts of less than $4,999 in a given year will require formal action by the Board of Directors and will be considered only under exceptional circumstances*.
For annual gifts or grants of greater than or equal to $5,000, monies can be directed towards specific Foundation activities*. Acceptance of directed donations requires formal action by the Board of Directors.
*Please note that ALL donations are used to support the goals of the MdDS Foundation which include supporting MdDS research and furthering education about MdDS for medical professionals and the public. The Foundation discourages requests for designation of donations for specific purposes such as support for educational programs. Restricting the use of funds creates additional work for volunteers who maintain our fiscal records and increases the fees associated with the preparation of annual tax documents (which reduces the amount of the actual donation that would be available to support Foundation goals).