Symptom reduction in mal de débarquement syndrome with attenuation of the velocity storage contribution in the central vestibular pathways. Front Rehabil Sci. 5: 1331135. 2024.
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Virtual reality application matches the most established treatment for Mal de Debarquement Syndrome: A non-inferiority, randomized, open clinical trial. Neurotherapeutics. 21(5): e00390. 10.1016/j.neurot.2024.e00390. 2024.
Guideline for standardized approach in the treatment of the Mal de Debarquement syndrome. Front Neurol. 15: 10.3389/fneur.2024.1359116. 2024. eCollection.
Mal de Débarquement Syndrome complicated by psychiatric comorbidities: Response to Maruta et al. Prim Care Companion CNS Disord. 25(4): 23lr03518a. 10.4088/PCC.23lr03518a. 2023.
Mal de Debarquement Syndrome explained by a vestibulo-cerebellar oscillator. Math Med Biol. 40: 96-110. 10.1093/imammb/dqac016. 2023.
Questioning the impact of vestibular rehabilitation in Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. Audiol Neurootol. 2023 Oct 11: 1-7. 10.1159/000533684. 2023.
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Lasting alteration of spatial orientation induced by passive motion in rabbits and its possible relevance to mal de débarquement syndrome. Front Neurol. 14: 1110298. 10.3389/fneur.2023.1110298. 2023. eCollection.
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