Looking Back at 2014, Ahead to 2015, and a Call for Volunteers!

The MdDS Foundation sincerely thanks all the supporters and volunteers that helped make this a successful year. Without you, these accomplishments would not be possible. Please take a few minutes to read these highlights. Top Media Moments During the Rare Disease Day TweetChat with NORD and ABC, 3,212 tweets were sent with a potential exposure of 28.2 million. Joy Sheerer appeared with Dr. […]

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Finally Available! Awareness Bracelets for MdDS

With the help of some great volunteers, there is now an MdDS awareness bracelet! It’s been an interesting learning experience, but the design, production and US shipping hurdles have all been figured out, and we are now ready to roll them out to the public!* To receive a Stop the Rock! bracelet, simply make a donation of $20 […]

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