Hello, This Is Me

1 in 10 Americans has a rare disease or disorder. Globally, the figure is 350 million. Rare diseases are not rare! This poem will resonate with someone you know. Please read and share, Hello This Is Me.

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Sky, Sea & Me

Since Oct 2014, I feel stuck in a space somewhere between the sky and the sea. As is the case for most of us, MdDS invaded my life once my feet touched the ground after a one-week cruise. Since the variation and intensity of my symptoms continue to be as unpredictable as the weather, I […]

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JAM: Life Vest Awareness Mailer

This brochure concept was designed by a young lady named Keely. It’s an orange life vest and when folded for mailing, the sticker to close it would be the buckle of the vest. Pretty clever, don’t you think? It is such a great piece because not only does it show that someone gets it but […]

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