Meet invisible illness warrior and young mother of three, Emily.

What caused my MdDS? Not a cruise. Not a windy drive. It was a medication given to me while I was under anesthesia having an operation. I was put under general anesthesia to remove a kidney stone that had been lodged in my right ureter for three and a half months. A pretty routine procedure, it […]

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Diagnosed with vestibular neuritis then possible MS. Does Julie’s story sound familiar?

After a four-day kayak trip in north Vancouver Island, August 2016, which also included flights and bus, I came back home and started working. I knew something was not quite right as I developed dizziness which then turned to nausea and vomiting which required hospitalization for five days. CT and MRI read as normal. Was […]

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Meet Jim, long-time MdDS Warrior from Belfast.

I have been suffering from MdDS since I was a child. It has got gradually worse as I got older. When I step out of an elevator I feel I am bouncing up and down inside for days after. It is very erratic especially when…

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MdDS: A year of island hopping

For the past year, I’ve spent every day on a boat. When I stand, sit, walk, or lie down, I’m on a boat. When I read, eat, talk, or watch television, I’m on a boat. As I write this, I’m on a boat. But I actually haven’t been anywhere near a boat in more than […]

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1 Thing You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Beat MdDS

“If something’s confusing, just ask for help.” That’s the rule in my house. It’s an aide for surviving MdDS. The only problem is, if your brain is foggy then you probably don’t realize you’re confused. That’s how it came to be that I left the car running in a parking lot and walked a couple blocks away […]

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Still on a boat that’s never still

You’ve probably stopped talking about it all the time, but MdDS is still a part of your life, and it drives decisions you make every day. Share to let your friends and family know that you’re coping, but also struggling sometimes.

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A Journey to MdDS Land

In this story, I’m taking my friend Amy on an imaginary journey that’s very real to those of us who live with MdDS every day. We’ll be visiting a big carnival circus tent and you’ll experience several different rides and attractions – no clowns, I promise.

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