“A wobbly tale” by Palm

In spite of the variability, unpredictability and invisibility to others, Palm’s story contributes to the crucially important work of educating each other and the wider public about MdDS.

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How’d we do this Giving Tuesday?

Thank you for having our backs and making a difference this year. GivingTuesday 2017 was the MdDS Foundation’s most successful one-day fundraiser ever with help from Facebook and the Gates Foundation. Due to the tremendous engagement and enthusiasm by the nonprofit community, the $2 million match limit was reached early and a total of $45 […]

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1 Thing You Can Do RIGHT NOW to Help Beat MdDS

“If something’s confusing, just ask for help.” That’s the rule in my house. It’s an aide for surviving MdDS. The only problem is, if your brain is foggy then you probably don’t realize you’re confused. That’s how it came to be that I left the car running in a parking lot and walked a couple blocks away […]

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The Foundation Educates Doctors

The Foundation uses two simple yet effective tools to advocate for you, on your behalf. Upon your request Board President, Marilyn Josselyn, herself will mail out a letter to your doctor that introduces them to MdDS. This one page letter briefly describes MdDS, possible etiology and current research efforts. Click to view a sample: Letter for […]

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Important Awareness News; Matching Challenge Deadline

In the spirit of Giving Tuesday, the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation would like to share some important news. Over the next year, the MdDS Foundation will be the beneficiary of a directed donation, in the amount of $100,000, with the sole purpose of increasing awareness of MdDS in the medical community and the general population. […]

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Thank you kind supporters. We’re Rocking Our Way to $40K.

Through your shares and your kindness, our most important fundraiser of the year is off to a good start. Please help make it great and forward this email. Let your supporters know that Rocking Our Way to $40K is raising both funds and HOPE.

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Things people need to know about people suffering from MAV/ MdDS/ chronic dizziness.

In case you missed these Words of Wisdom on our Facebook page, long-time friend, Abby, shares some great insight in this post. Please read, share, and get those thumbs-up! Please share to show you care! WORDS OF WISDOM FOR FAMILY AND FRIENDS Things people need to know about those suffering from MdDS/MAV/chronic dizziness. By Abby Lane […]

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