The MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation would like to take a minute to thank you for all of your support in 2012. Some of you have participated in research, reached out to new people, provided support to those who are down, or made a donation no matter the size. You did all of those things for each other while the Foundation worked in the background volunteering countless hours, contacting medical professionals in the US and abroad, and seeking ways to bring MdDS to the forefront of the medical world all while living with varying levels of MdDS. Yes, as a group we have our ups and downs but when the going gets tough someone is always there with a kind word or a show of support. In the new year, the research will continue, we will continue to collect donations and ask you to get involved, but most of all we hope you are there for each other.
Therefore, from all of us on the Board, Terri, Linda, Holly, Marilyn, Jane, Cathy, Deb, and Robert, we wish you peace, hope, love, and health in 2013. Whether you observe the Solstice, Hanukkah, Christmas, Kwanza, or just the everyday milestones of life, we wish you the best.
The Board of Directors of the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation
December 2012