My Body Keeps the Score, by Elizabeth Baum

Elizabeth manages her symptoms by thinking of her body as a gas tank. “Things run about as good as they can – if I remember to refuel by managing diet, meds, meditation/mindfulness, exercise, etc.” ** Read & Share ** June is MdDS Awareness Month!

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I Look Normal, by Tami G.

I wrote this poem a number of years ago (maybe 5 years ago) and I sometimes post it as a status update. My daughter is no longer a toddler but the rest holds true. ~ Tami Grosset I look normal. I sit in my chair and chat. I giggle and gossip just like I’ve always […]

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Be Still: a Poem by Farzleen

I am sharing my experience with fellow sufferers of this misunderstood condition because of how it took close to a year before a proper diagnosis was obtained after undergoing many tests, how frustrating and depressing it was prior to that not knowing what was actually happening to me, and for having people closest to me […]

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Meet invisible illness warrior and young mother of three, Emily.

What caused my MdDS? Not a cruise. Not a windy drive. It was a medication given to me while I was under anesthesia having an operation. I was put under general anesthesia to remove a kidney stone that had been lodged in my right ureter for three and a half months. A pretty routine procedure, it […]

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Cursed by the Metro

“I believe you.” These can be the most powerful words you can say to someone who is crying each day desperate for the world to take them seriously. It is true when they say that you only realize the value of something when it is lost. I do not think that many people appreciate the […]

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Fight to Find Your Purpose

August 25th, 2003 was the day that temporarily… *forever* changed my life. At least that’s what the doctor in San Francisco General thought—“temporary”.

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MdDS: a Rare, Invisible Syndrome

Having a rare, invisible syndrome can be lonely but Elaine offers some words of wisdom for friends and family. How to Be a Friend to a Friend Who’s Sick is written by Letty Cottin Pogrebin. Pogrebin is an acclaimed journalist, public speaker, political activist, and author of several nonfiction bestsellers. During her extended period of treatment for […]

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