Russ’ Busy Day at the Lake

I had just spent the 2016 Memorial Day weekend on my parent’s boat and dock. After leaving the lake, we stopped at a favorite eatery. I finally sat down for the first time and felt “it.” I looked at my wife and asked, “Does the floor feel like it’s moving?”

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We can do this. I believe in you! ~ Katie

My name is Katie Miller, and I have had MdDS since 2002. I took two short, uneventful flights on a Friday and two similar flights back on the following Sunday. I woke up that Monday with the unnerving sensation of walking on mattresses, and it looked like the walls were moving. I had absolutely no […]

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Be Still: a Poem by Farzleen

I am sharing my experience with fellow sufferers of this misunderstood condition because of how it took close to a year before a proper diagnosis was obtained after undergoing many tests, how frustrating and depressing it was prior to that not knowing what was actually happening to me, and for having people closest to me […]

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“Why do I feel like I am on a boat? Voila MdDS,” Elizabeth discovered.

In September 2017, my husband, my two sons (ages 20 and 21) and myself went on our first cruise, two weeks before the canaries Portugal Spain. All was well on the cruise, none of us were sea sick, but we did have rough days around the bay of biscay. On return home, my two sons […]

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LeeAnne suffers with dizziness that isn’t vertigo.

After my third cruise, I never got my land legs back. I saw my family doctor and explained my symptoms to him and he referred me to two neurologists; one said it was an ongoing migraine and the other said vertigo.

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There is always hope. Never give up. ~ Jodi

My name is Jodi Leffue, and I am from Franklin County, Virginia. In August 2017, I attended a family vacation on a cruise. I had a wonderful time on the cruise. I noticed I could feel the ship rock but was able to still enjoy myself. On the excursions, I still had the sensation of […]

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Meet invisible illness warrior and young mother of three, Emily.

What caused my MdDS? Not a cruise. Not a windy drive. It was a medication given to me while I was under anesthesia having an operation. I was put under general anesthesia to remove a kidney stone that had been lodged in my right ureter for three and a half months. A pretty routine procedure, it […]

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