I hope my book and paintings touch anyone who is at the “bottom of the sea” and can’t find the way out. You are not alone. You can do it. 😄 ~Victoria Cantarelli
I hope my book and paintings touch anyone who is at the “bottom of the sea” and can’t find the way out. You are not alone. You can do it. 😄 ~Victoria Cantarelli
TRIGGER WARNING: this picture I took causes me great anxiety due to the swirls. 😟 But I really want to share it with my story so others who can relate know they aren’t alone. ~
…my head is spinning like a whirlpool it never ends ~Lucy Newman
My story is a little different than your traditional MdDS patient, but this is a poem and a drawing I made describing the nonstop dizziness. I would give anything to live in a world that is still. ~Joanna
On the outside, no one would know that my world rocks and sways and spins and turns, but on the inside I have to work to remain calm and grounded.
MdDS has forced me to learn to slow down and put my own needs first at times. It has also taught me that life can change in an instant. These are incredible lessons. ~Brittany Ashcraft
fear of falling, depression and anxiety, deep uncertainty… Karen isn’t alone in having a maelstrom of fears and emotions.
Putting MdDS into words is sometimes so incredibly difficult. I am grateful for this opportunity to be creative and express what I feel on paper. ~Alexis Dolgoff, DPT