Forget about Black Friday. Stay in bed & shop in bed!

With only 5 more weekends left to holiday shop, I’d like share some shopping tips with you that’ll save you from having to get up at 4 am or earlier! Not only will you get to stay in bed, you’ll get both great deals and generate funds for the Foundation. First, the great deals. My […]

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“Let’s End JAM with a Big Bang” Matching Challenge

Thanks to all the generous supporters to our matching donation challenge we really ended with a BIG BANG. Not only did you meet the $500 challenge, you surpassed it by $455! That means that $955 was contributed to our foundation by you to MAKE THE MATCH, for a total of $1,455 contributed to the MdDS […]

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Today is Social Media Day

To celebrate the third annual Social Media Day, I’d like to share something with you. I am a Facebook clutz. At my day job, I am the purported “Social Media Guru” and yet this one took me a while to figure out. The Foundation manages two Facebook pages. First there is a public Facebook page […]

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The Silver Lining in My Hot Water Tank

About a month ago, I went downstairs to wash the laundry, only to discover that the hot water tank had sprung a leak. A very bad leak. Water was gushing out like someone had opened up a faucet. So instead of doing the laundry (darn!), I started shopping for a new water heater. I’d completely […]

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Our Cause Earns Money Every Time You GoodSearch

Did you know there’s a search engine that’s better than Google? One that fund-raises for the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation? Join me and start using GoodSearch as your search engine, and they’ll donate about a penny to your favorite cause every time you do a web search. I don’t know about you, but I spend […]

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