Did you know there’s a search engine that’s better than Google? One that fund-raises for the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation? Join me and start using GoodSearch as your search engine, and they’ll donate about a penny to your favorite cause every time you do a web search. I don’t know about you, but I spend an inordinate amount of time searching the Internet for anything on Mal de Debarquement Syndrome. Search terms include Disembarkment Syndrome, Disembarcation Sickness, Persistent MDD, and on and on. Sometimes I feel like I’ve read all the stories there are, and sometimes a new one will pop up. Either way, a penny is raised with every search. Registering is super-easy, since you can use your existing Facebook, Google, Yahoo! or Twitter profile.
You can also shop through their online shopping mall, GoodShop.com, where there are more than 2,500 top online retailers, and a percentage of your purchases will go to the charity or school of your choice. You pay the same price as you normally would, but a donation on your behalf goes to your cause.
Conveniently, I can see how much money I’ve raised for the MdDS Foundation right on the search page. Take action and support the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation and start using GoodSearch today. As always, if you need assistance getting set up with GoodSearch, just leave a comment. We’ll be right with you.
You can read more about GoodSearch in the NY Times, Oprah Magazine, CNN, ABC News and the Wall Street Journal here.
We’d like to emphasize that once you’ve registered with GoodSearch you can GoodSHOP. Your online shopping generates donations on your behalf to the Foundation. For example, this link shows that Amazon will donate 1.5% http://www.goodsearch.com/amazon/coupons