Shine a Light on MdDS

Join us and “Shine a Light on MdDS.” Whether using social media, sending out educational brochures, or wearing MdDS apparel while you’re out-and-about, your help is vital to raising awareness of MdDS.

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#MakeADifferenceDay, Honor Donations

It’s Make A Difference Day, the perfect day to honor someone you love with a Tribute gift. Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to honor a special person or life event and also support those with MdDS. We thank the following for their gifts in honor of someone special. Honor Donations Welcome to this bright […]

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Heartfelt Thanks

Thanks to each and every one who donated to the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation in 2016. You gave our community hope.

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Honor and Memory Donations

A tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor or to remember someone special. Your gift reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, just as your honoree has done for you. We thank the following for their gift in honor of a special person or in the memory of a loved one. Honor […]

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Honor Donations

A tribute gift is a meaningful way to honor or to remember someone special. Your gift reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, just as your honoree has done for you. We thank the following for their gift in honor of a special person or occasion, or in the memory of a loved one.

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Honor Donations

The Foundation wishes to thank the Marlton Woman’s Club for its continued support in Honor of Irene Hartman. Their donation every year is an inspiration as we approach June Awareness Month.   To make a donation “in honor of” or “in memory of” designated individuals or occasions, please use the Memorial or Honor Donation Form (downloadable […]

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In Memory & Honor Donations

The Foundation would like to acknowledge the following donations made by friends and loved ones. We thank you for your care and support. Honor Donations Elaine & Edward Schlissel – In honor of my fellow southeast rockers Antoinette Salcedo – In honor of Charleen Anomanni Louis & Ethel Ivens – In honor of Marilyn Josselyn Irene Garbo – In honor of […]

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Honor Donations

On June 1, the MdDS Foundation received a very nice donation from the GFWC Marlton Woman’s Club. What a nice way begin June Awareness Month. We sincerely thank the Marlton Woman’s Club for its continued support in Honor of Irene Hartman. If there is someone special you would like to honor this June Awareness Month, please consider making a donation. Honor and Memory donations are acknowledged […]

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