Does MdDS have an ICD code?
This International Volunteer Day, we’d like to thank volunteers for our ICD code, R42. Learn more about the International Classification of MdDS and its significance to the medical world in today’s blog post.
This International Volunteer Day, we’d like to thank volunteers for our ICD code, R42. Learn more about the International Classification of MdDS and its significance to the medical world in today’s blog post.
After a day of flying and going up 107 stories to a restaurant in the sky, I felt a panic I had never felt before. It felt like I was walking on a bouncing floor.
Along with several annual donors, since 2009 a small group of people have unknowingly become a team of rare champions. These friends and family members have continually shown their support of the MdDS community and their commitment to our mission and goals. They’ve proven that small donations over time are just as impactful as any […]
The MdDS Foundation sincerely thanks all the supporters and volunteers that helped make this a successful year. Without you, these accomplishments would not be possible. Please take a few minutes to read these highlights. Top Media Moments During the Rare Disease Day TweetChat with NORD and ABC, 3,212 tweets were sent with a potential exposure of 28.2 million. Joy Sheerer appeared with Dr. […]