How’d we do this Giving Tuesday?

Thank you for having our backs and making a difference this year. GivingTuesday 2017 was the MdDS Foundation’s most successful one-day fundraiser ever with help from Facebook and the Gates Foundation. Due to the tremendous engagement and enthusiasm by the nonprofit community, the $2 million match limit was reached early and a total of $45 […]

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#MakeADifferenceDay, Honor Donations

It’s Make A Difference Day, the perfect day to honor someone you love with a Tribute gift. Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to honor a special person or life event and also support those with MdDS. We thank the following for their gifts in honor of someone special.Honor DonationsWelcome to this bright new world, […]

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This GivingTuesday at the MdDS Foundation

ANNOUNCEMENT: 10.27.2017 — The Gates Foundation is matching donations made to US nonprofits using Facebook on Giving Tuesday. Facebook is also waiving fees on donations that day, so please schedule a reminder for Giving Tuesday, 11/28/20017, on your calendar to donate through our fundraiser page on Facebook.This GivingTuesday, we are focused on our goal to […]

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🌟 Donor All-Stars

Along with several annual donors, since 2009 a small group of people have unknowingly become a team of rare champions. These friends and family members have continually shown their support of the MdDS community and their commitment to our mission and goals. They’ve proven that small donations over time are just as impactful as any […]

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MdDS: A year of island hopping

For the past year, I’ve spent every day on a boat. When I stand, sit, walk, or lie down, I’m on a boat. When I read, eat, talk, or watch television, I’m on a boat. As I write this, I’m on a boat. But I actually haven’t been anywhere near a boat in more than […]

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MdDS Makes You Feel Like You’re Still on the Boat

Land Sickness After Cruise or BoatingYou’re standing in a small boat tied to a dock, waves moving you back and forth, up and down, and side to side. Now, imagine that you feel this way all the time, even without the boat. You can’t concentrate. Your head hurts. You’ve never felt so fatigued in your […]

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Honor & In Memoriam Donations

Tribute gifts are a meaningful way to support those with MdDS and to honor a life event. Your gift reflects your desire to make a lasting impact on the lives of others, just as your honoree has done for you. We thank the following for their gift in honor of a special person or in the […]

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