June 2024 Newsletter
Exciting news you can use! This edition is filled with important information that you definitely want to read.
Exciting news you can use! This edition is filled with important information that you definitely want to read.
“This journey has given me a new perspective on life,… You are stronger than you think, and your story can inspire and help others.” Yoseim
“I suffered with this many times but I finally found someone who listened and something that worked for me and got my life back.” Laura’s story on the blog today. Read & Share!
The MdDS Foundation and our partner in advocacy, the National Organization for Rare Disorders (NORD), is celebrating Rare Disease Day on February 28, 2013. Last year we worked to create advocacy on the state level, with many Governors’ Proclamations of Rare Disease Day. This year NORD suggests some new ideas on how you can celebrate being rare. […]