Press Release: $150,000 Donation to Fund Vital Research

Donation to Fund Vital Research into Mal de Debarquement Syndrome Shannondell, PA – November 20, 2013 – The MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation is pleased to announce that it has received a $150,000 donation from Ellen Kaye to fund vital research into the cause of and a cure for Mal de Débarquement Syndrome. This donation, along with funds […]

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Mary Kay Fundraiser, Now Through December 19

Mary Kay has wonderful gifts for the holidays for all ages, and Debbie Vecheck has created a fantastic opportunity for you to shop for your friends and loved ones – while supporting the Foundation. Through December 19th, Debbie will donate 50% of net proceeds to the MdDS Foundation. Please support Debbie and shop her site today.  This […]

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One Epic Run to Raise Awareness

December 7–8, Doug, an MdDSer since March of 2013, will run a 24-hour ultra­marathon to raise awareness of MdDS. Doug has completed over 30 ultra­m­arathons but he says, “Since developing MdDS it has been a challenge to train like I should. I consider myself blessed to be able to function at work and continue running. I KNOW […]

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Sara’s Shopping Tips

Before we get to today’s post, we’re pleased to announce that is now making charitable donations to the MdDS Foundation. You shop. Amazon Gives. After you use this link and set the MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation as your chosen charity, any time you shop Smile.Amazon will make a 0.5% donation on your behalf. With […]

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