MdDS: an Infographic and letter to share

MdDS_infographicDear Friends and Family,

I am living with a rare condition with an interesting name, Mal de Débarquement Syndrome (MdDS).

What is that you ask?

Mal de Débarquement Syndrome or Disembark­ment Syndrome is a neurological disorder that most often develops following an ocean cruise. Less often, a perceived sense of motion follows air, train, or auto travel. In fact, any motion experience can result in symptoms, and cases of spontaneous onset have been reported. The symptoms of MdDS include constant and persistent sensations of motion such as rocking, swaying, bobbling and/or tumbling, and fatigue, imbalance, and difficulty concentrating (impaired cognition). These symptoms are chronic and may persist for years.

MdDS is not life-threatening but it is life-altering. In fact, while the intensity of symptoms is highly variable among patients, they may be quite disabling. Symptoms are often reduced when in passive motion such as in a moving car, airplane, or train. If remission is achieved, the recurrence rate of MdDS is high and symptoms usually more severe. Unfortunately, MdDS is frequently misdiagnosed or undiagnosed, lacks an effective treatment, and the cause is yet unknown.

The MdDS Balance Disorder Foundation is an all‐volunteer 501(c)(3) organization that seeks to promote awareness of, find a cure for, and assist patients suffering with MdDS.

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