This is how MdDS feels for me!
“This painting depicts my constant fear of falling, the swinging bridge illuminates the complete lack of stability, the background shows the storm of depression and anxiety that are constant companions, the vortex below signifies the deep uncertainty and fear of the future!” ~Karen Hiebert

Karen isn’t alone in having a complex mix of fears and emotions. The reaction to her painting in MdDS Friends, our online support group, is one of empathy, an understanding that only other rare disorder sufferers seem to have. Show Karen support and share this visualization to help more people understand just some of the effects of MdDS.
Oh the suspension bridge is such a strong and clear representation that I have never used to describe my symptoms – but so very accurate! Despite the sadness and darkness the artwork, I feel that this is such a very strong representation of how I feel when my symptoms are bad, that I actually greatly admire and appreciate it. Thank you for sharing!