“Lost at Sea” by Desiree Meek

Graphic Design student, traditional/digital artist, and animation lover, Desiree Meek created this series of paintings to illustrate her MdDS journey. From initial onset to her outlook more than 15 months later, from a place of darkness to one filled with hope, here is Lost at Sea.

  • painting of small boat lost on the ocean
  • painting of a woman looking through a porthole window
  • painting of a woman surrounded by colorful wavy lines
  • description of MdDS as a condition often caused by travel
  • words that say I waited and waited and waited
  • painting of a hand reaching up, with bubbles rising through dark water
  • painting of a woman kneeling in a corner surrounded by wavy lines
  • painting of a woman surrounded by wavy lines, first chaotic then more controlled
  • words on a purple background with pink hearts and comment clouds
  • painting of a woman in small boat on the ocean and a rainbow in front of her

Her post has received so many comments with words of encouragement and empathy, from people with other chronic conditions and invisible illnesses as well as fellow MdDS warriors. Find and connect with her on Instagram as drawingwithmeek.

Instagrammers, remember to tag mddsfoundation on your MdDS-related posts as Desiree did. When tagged, we can repost your content and increase the impact of your stories. With greater awareness comes the potential for more research, and eventually a cure. Together, we can achieve that goal!

CALL-to-ACTION: Let the power of your art bring visibility to our invisible illness! We are seeking stories and artwork to share throughout June, the Awareness Month (JAM) for MdDS. To be considered for publication to this blog, newsletter, or any of our social media pages, send your story and artwork (PNG preferred) to connect@mddsfoundation.org and a board director will be in touch with you.


Discussion Policy
  1. Lisbeth

    Thank you. It has been 14 years of relentless swaying and being dizzy.
    Now the neurologist says it’s pppd and not mdds but I’m sure he is right.
    The swaying and dizziness stops when I’m in the car or swimming but the moment I stop it’s back with full vengeance.

    1. MdDS Foundation

      Lisbeth, we hope your doctor is aware of the diagnostic criteria established by the the Barany Society. The following were published in the Journal of Vestibular Research, in 2020 and 2017 respectively. They help making differential diagnoses easier and more accurately.

      Mal de débarquement syndrome diagnostic criteria: http://bit.ly/mddscriteria

      Diagnostic criteria for persistent postural-perceptual dizziness (PPPD): https://bit.ly/pppdcriteria

  2. Karen

    The paintings and text brought me to tears as they portray my own emotions. Like you, Desiree, I am much improved some three years later. But I still miss my ‘old’ self. Thank you sharing your thoughts and feelings in this manner.

  3. Desiree

    Thank you so much!! That means a lot to me 💖

  4. Jill Atcheson

    Brilliant paintings Desiree! You have captured how it feels amazingly! I’m glad you feel better. Carry on painting! You’re extremely talented!

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