My MdDS followed a 2-week land-and-sea cruise to Alaska. When we arrived at our last port, I felt like I was drunk. I saw every ENT doctor in my area. None of them had ever heard of MdDS. But I refused to give up.

Things have gotten better.
I finally found an otolaryngologist 45 minutes from my home. He diagnosed me immediately. One thing I remember from my first visit was that he shook my head from side-to-side, and he told me my eyes continued to move in circles after he stopped. He gave me exercises to do, which caused my symptoms to skyrocket. He looked like Richard Gere and had a charming personality. He has since retired, and I miss him.
My life improved once I accepted the fact that MdDS, for me, is most likely not going to go away. But I decided that it wasn’t going to stop my active lifestyle. Although getting into the venue prohibited me from going for a while, I love concerts and now I just bite the bullet and go! I am fortunate to be retired. I learned to listen to my body. I nap when I need to. I do what I can. The brain fog headaches have almost all but disappeared. I’ve learned many helpful things through the MdDS support group.
I had a 3-week remission and was elated!
Then one morning I woke up, rolled over, and I was more than aware that the beast had returned. Again, I won’t give up! I have faith and hope that a cure will be found. I take the MdDS brochure to every doctor appointment I have. Thank you MdDS Foundation!!
Joan W, motion-triggered
Age at onset: 40s
The MdDS Foundation and American Brain Foundation (ABF) in collaboration with the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) is offering a Clinical Research Training Scholarship. The two-year award totaling $150,000 is intended to recognize good clinical research and to encourage early career investigators to pursue clinical studies on Mal de Debarquement Syndrome and Central Vestibular Neurological Disorders.
While the AAN and ABF are implementing targeted outreach to solicit applications, we need your help in spreading the word! Please share this opportunity with the offices and clinics of your health care providers. This is especially important if they are associated with an academic (university) program. Ask your health care professionals to help in our search for early career investigators who might be interested in MdDS research training. Finding the cure for MdDS depends on it, and you!