How long does MdDS last? I’m 2 weeks out from a cruise and am still on the boat.

How long does it take for MdDS to go away?

In most individuals, the sensation of rocking, bobbing, swaying, etc. following a cruise or other passive motion experience is transient. Symptoms lasting up to two weeks is considered within the normal range. A diagnosis of MdDS is usually only given to those whose symptoms last 30 days or more.

MdDS is often self-limiting, typically resolving within 4 months (median duration according to Cha et al, 2008).

MdDS may be episodic.

Patients in remission (no perception of motion for 6 months) may experience recurring bouts, often associated with a precipitating event, e.g., travel or high stress. Subsequent episodes are generally more prolonged but some patients experience a quick return to baseline.